Can ‘unique’ road markings improve rider safety?

A project is being carried out to design and trial new road markings that will help riders when approaching bends.

The concept was first devised in New Zealand, where experts investigated the use of novel road markings to help riders approaching and navigating demanding bends.

The results illustrated changes in rider behaviour in areas such as road position, speed and braking.

In the UK, Transport Scotland is now building on this work – and has set up a test site where rider behaviour data will be compared from before and after the specialized road markings were installed.

The findings from this work will help lay the foundation for further trials.

While it may be some time before these markings are seen on UK roads – anyone interested in the project can find out more by watching a video with professor Alex Stedmon, a world expert in transport research.

The video was produced as part of the Festival of Road Safety – which also included a number of others focussing on motorcycling.

20 January 2021

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